80 research outputs found

    Efficient Inexact Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Nonconvex Problems

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    The proximal gradient algorithm has been popularly used for convex optimization. Recently, it has also been extended for nonconvex problems, and the current state-of-the-art is the nonmonotone accelerated proximal gradient algorithm. However, it typically requires two exact proximal steps in each iteration, and can be inefficient when the proximal step is expensive. In this paper, we propose an efficient proximal gradient algorithm that requires only one inexact (and thus less expensive) proximal step in each iteration. Convergence to a critical point %of the nonconvex problem is still guaranteed and has a O(1/k)O(1/k) convergence rate, which is the best rate for nonconvex problems with first-order methods. Experiments on a number of problems demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has comparable performance as the state-of-the-art, but is much faster

    A Method of Electric Power Equipment Integrated Modeling Based on Carrier

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    AbstractModeling of electric power equipment is very important in power system. But there are several problems by the current method, such as information is incomplete. This paper proposes a method of electric power equipment integrated modeling based on carrier. Electric power equipment model are numbered and classification, then all of them are knowledge-related through knowledgebase. In the design, user-defined of meta-data structure is supported, which can be integrated with a variety of heterogeneous systems. Finally, the model can be displayed with the dynamic three-dimensional way after rendering by texturing techniques. Experiment indicates that the proposed model contain more information and more realistic

    A Comprehensive Empirical Investigation on Failure Clustering in Parallel Debugging

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    The clustering technique has attracted a lot of attention as a promising strategy for parallel debugging in multi-fault scenarios, this heuristic approach (i.e., failure indexing or fault isolation) enables developers to perform multiple debugging tasks simultaneously through dividing failed test cases into several disjoint groups. When using statement ranking representation to model failures for better clustering, several factors influence clustering effectiveness, including the risk evaluation formula (REF), the number of faults (NOF), the fault type (FT), and the number of successful test cases paired with one individual failed test case (NSP1F). In this paper, we present the first comprehensive empirical study of how these four factors influence clustering effectiveness. We conduct extensive controlled experiments on 1060 faulty versions of 228 simulated faults and 141 real faults, and the results reveal that: 1) GP19 is highly competitive across all REFs, 2) clustering effectiveness decreases as NOF increases, 3) higher clustering effectiveness is easier to achieve when a program contains only predicate faults, and 4) clustering effectiveness remains when the scale of NSP1F is reduced to 20%

    SURE: A Visualized Failure Indexing Approach using Program Memory Spectrum

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    Failure indexing is a longstanding crux in software testing and debugging, the goal of which is to automatically divide failures (e.g., failed test cases) into distinct groups according to the culprit root causes, as such multiple faults in a faulty program can be handled independently and simultaneously. This community has long been plagued by two challenges: 1) The effectiveness of division is still far from promising. Existing techniques only employ a limited source of run-time data (e.g., code coverage) to be failure proximity, which typically delivers unsatisfactory results. 2) The outcome can be hardly comprehensible. A developer who receives the failure indexing result does not know why all failures should be divided the way they are. This leads to difficulties for developers to be convinced by the result, which in turn affects the adoption of the results. To tackle these challenges, in this paper, we propose SURE, a viSUalized failuRe indExing approach using the program memory spectrum. We first collect the run-time memory information at preset breakpoints during the execution of failed test cases, and transform it into human-friendly images (called program memory spectrum, PMS). Then, any pair of PMS images that serve as proxies for two failures is fed to a trained Siamese convolutional neural network, to predict the likelihood of them being triggered by the same fault. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of SURE: It achieves 101.20% and 41.38% improvements in faults number estimation, as well as 105.20% and 35.53% improvements in clustering, compared with the state-of-the-art technique in this field, in simulated and real-world environments, respectively. Moreover, we carry out a human study to quantitatively evaluate the comprehensibility of PMS, revealing that this novel type of representation can help developers better comprehend failure indexing results.Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract here is shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Combating Bilateral Edge Noise for Robust Link Prediction

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    Although link prediction on graphs has achieved great success with the development of graph neural networks (GNNs), the potential robustness under the edge noise is still less investigated. To close this gap, we first conduct an empirical study to disclose that the edge noise bilaterally perturbs both input topology and target label, yielding severe performance degradation and representation collapse. To address this dilemma, we propose an information-theory-guided principle, Robust Graph Information Bottleneck (RGIB), to extract reliable supervision signals and avoid representation collapse. Different from the basic information bottleneck, RGIB further decouples and balances the mutual dependence among graph topology, target labels, and representation, building new learning objectives for robust representation against the bilateral noise. Two instantiations, RGIB-SSL and RGIB-REP, are explored to leverage the merits of different methodologies, i.e., self-supervised learning and data reparameterization, for implicit and explicit data denoising, respectively. Extensive experiments on six datasets and three GNNs with diverse noisy scenarios verify the effectiveness of our RGIB instantiations. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/tmlr-group/RGIB.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202